What do they have in common?!
Actually, they have nothing in common, yet…
…working together, they can certainly help with a complication you may have!
I currently have curled toes, especially when I’m in the shower! Not a good place for curled toes!
WHY do we have curled toes? Spasticity.
WHY are they a problem?
Safety. Since your foot doesn’t rest flatly on the floor/in your shoes; there’s a propensity to fall due to instability.
Pain. Just think about trying to walk on feet where ½ of your toes are tucked under the other ½ ! Ouch!
I got to thinking…my toes don’t curl at all, or not as much, when I’m wearing shoes!
I thought…waterproof shoes!
I wanted something easy to don, priced reasonably & had non-slick soles.
And, of course, they had to be CUTE! 🙂
So, here’s what I found…

I love them and they work great!
No more curled toes in the shower!!!
PT for Curled Toes!
If you’re inclined to find a permanent solution, there are great PT exercises on YouTube you can do at home!
YouTube is a great resource for stroke recovery exercises you can perform at home!
HOWEVER, make sure the therapist teaching the exercise is neuro-trained! Not all of them are.
My two personal favorites are:
PHYSICAL therapy: ( PT = LOWER body )
Tara Tobias, PhD
Rehab HQ
OCCUPATIONAL therapy: ( OT = UPPER body )
Elyse Newland, PhD
Post Stroke
As you can see, although Elyse deals with the upper body, she sometimes posts exercises for the lower part!
I love the work these professionals perform because:
They both have earned a Ph.D, so they’ve intensely studied their respective neuro disciplines;
Both are practicing therapists, so they’re up-to-date on new rehab strategies, as well as stroke survivors’ and their caregivers’ concerns & successes; and…
Both have pleasant personalities; they’re compassionate; and clear and concise in their communication & demonstration of the exercises.