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The New Normal: Part III

Updated: Nov 2, 2023

The Tangible & Intangible

To further explain the word intangible, it is defined as “unable to be touched or grasped; not having physical presence.” Feelings are one example of an intangible.

Over the course of these past six and one-half years since my stroke in 2015, I’ve traveled many roads in many ways. My feelings have run the gamut – from anger, depression, sadness, bewilderment, confusion, frustration, impatience, discouragement; and now to acceptance, hope, self-compassion and gratitude for the experiences I’ve had, the great friends who’ve supported me throughout, my amazing nieces who continue to bolster me, and the marvelous people I’ve met along the way.

However, those early feelings still creep in periodically; but let’s just say I’m working on the “new feelings and thoughts” and trying to incorporate them into my life more and more everyday! I’m not some kind of Pollyanna, trust me! But I never allow myself to forget that I’m a survivor! Like you!

I’m realistic; the positive, hopeful thoughts feel a whole lot better than the other! I realize now that I had to go through those earlier feelings in order to get to where I am today. Finally, I choose to focus on these positive thoughts. No matter how slim the positive might be, you too can choose where your thoughts go.

Allow me to continue to explore this topic further.

Psychotherapy. Had I not engaged in psychotherapy, I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy the lovely feelings I have now. I now know it was necessary for me to make the effort to work through those early feelings, resulting in a new outlook.

Thus, although psychotherapy is tangible, it provides intangible results!

The same is true for other tangible/intangible experiences.


Music is intangible and ephemeral, but it comes from the homeworld of the spirit, and though so fleeting, it is recognized by the spirit as a soul-speech fresh from the celestial realms, an echo from the home whence we are now exiled, and therefore it touches a chord in our being, regardless of whether we realize the true cause or not.

Max Heindel

Music. I’ve never enjoyed music as much as I do now. I grew up surrounded by music. I was in the Glee Club in school; I taught myself the guitar at the age of thirteen; I was in musicals during high school; I played my guitar with three friends at Catholic Folk Masses; and I was booed off the stage in a Talent Show with my best friend, Concetta, because we forgot the words to all ALL the songs! Try to Remember!!! But I forgot all about music when I had my stroke. I was so sad. I couldn’t imagine ever feeling good again, much less listening to a favorite song.

Additionally, I lost my singing voice due to my diaphragm being affected by the stroke; so, every aspect of music sucked at that point! But, I’m now working on regaining my voice. It takes lots and lots of practice, like everything stroke-related. And I have to get past listening to an off-key voice I don’t recognize! I look forward to the day I can play my guitar again and sing on key!

A song, symphony, or operatic aria are all examples of tangibles, yet the result of listening to them is intangible.

Connecting with people is another tangible experience with intangible effects.

Connecting with animals is another intangible. If you’re an animal lover, the joy that animals bring into your life is immense! One of the many things I missed when I was in the hospital for a month was enjoying my kitty on my lap! Connecting with nature is another often-missed intangible. As Albert Einstein said, “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”

People. Had I not had a stroke, I wouldn’t have met the wonderfully-gifted, kind, and dedicated neuro-therapists, as well as all the other other medical and energy practitioners I’ve met post-stroke! They’ve provided me with a ton of intangibles - laughter, fun, motivation and inspiration; as well as many tangibles, like specific physical improvements.

Experiencing deeper levels of friendship with current friends, as well as meeting and nurturing new friendships, have all been unexpected gifts!

I couldn’t have arrived at this new place of freedom unless I had gone through all the steps I mentioned in Parts I and II. And I couldn’t have gone through those life-altering growth steps, again - if I hadn’t had a stroke.

Most importantly, if I hadn’t had a stroke, I would never have known the depth of caring, love and competence of the best caregiver anyone could ever dream of - my life partner, Jane! She’s been my rock, my cheerleader, and an excellent cook to boot, JUST to name just a few of her amazing qualities!

Finally, I am extremely grateful for you, my subscribers! You’ve hung in there with me for these past 2.5 years; and none of the technical side of this endeavor (the website, blog posts, and social media) wouldn’t be possible without Rachel. And one day in the distant future, my book will be completed, and I’ll be able to share that with you as well. Many thanks to all of you for sticking with me and for spreading the word! We’re now up to more than 5,000 subscribers all over the world, so thanks for your loyalty!

Yes, people are tangible, yet the benefits of everyone’s love and support are certainly intangible and priceless!

Even with all the body and brain changes, I’m truly grateful for my life and look forward to many years to come!

Let’s keep on keeping on, gang! We have a lot to live for!

Thanks for reading, hope this helps!




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