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I'm Writing a Book!

As I stated in my last post, I promised to share some exciting news with you in this post; so as the title suggests - I’m writing a book!


In order to expand the information on the blog by raising awareness with a larger audience and providing help for those who don’t subscribe to the blog.

I’m sure you think I’m nuts doing this since last week’s blog was about self-care. But stay with me here...writing a book is a S-L-O-W process, without the pressure of weekly or monthly deadlines writing blog posts. Again, I will be writing posts from time to time, without the time pressure, as before. And since it seems the blog has been somewhat helpful to survivors, caregivers, families/friends/interested parties; I thought raising awareness & “educating” the public would be worthwhile endeavors.  

This post is simple. I want you to have input into the content of the book; so, I’m requesting your thoughts about what you would like to see in the book, for yourselves, your caretakers, the general public, insurance companies, doctors, therapists, etc?

As you know, although strokes occur in approximately 800,000 Americans per year, a small percentage of the general public, and even those in the healthcare profession, know much about strokes, nor how to treat a survivor.

So this is our opportunity to tell them!  

MY TOPICS: Currently, I’ve compiled a lengthy list of topics to address in the book.  

To name a few...


By submitting a maximum of 2 ideas in the Comments section below, please add any topics you’d like to see. If you could, please BE SPECIFIC as to WHAT concerns need to be addressed.

I thank you! Your input is critical to the awareness we raise about our journeys, as well as the education we can provide for all concerned!



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